Steven asks…
Is the content of "Weekly Leaders" under the "Stats" tab on updated in real-time, as NFL games are played, or is it updated at the end of each week?
admin answers:
Well they update during gametime but I prefer's scoreboard under NFL its presented better than's. ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports and rightfully so their website is accurate and awesome!
Lisa asks…
Who is the player on the commericial who says his grandfather was overthrown in a coup?
I can't find the commercial on and I want to hear the rest of the story. He says his grandfather was president and overthrown in a coup.
admin answers:
Charlie Peprah of the Packers.
Michael asks…
When I open, it open up in a different language. How do I get it back to english?
Everytime I open website http:\, it opens up in a language other than english. I think it spanish or french. How do I get it back to englis? I am having this same problem with internet explorer and firefox. Please help. Thanks
admin answers:
The site for the National Football Association? I don't see any language-changing link. And when I logged-on to check, it looks fine to me; it's in English.
If does have a link marked "idioma" or "langue" (respectively Spanish and French for "language"), click it and it might say "English/Spanish/French", "Inglés/Español/Francés" and/or "Anglais/Espagnol/Français." Then click that.
Hope I've been helpful to you. Otherwise, check with your computer repair person. Good luck.
Ken asks…
How would i upload a picture from my pictures to use as an avatar for ?
I would like to use one of my pics to represent my name for
admin answers:
If the picture is on your computer you can upload it to the website. Click upload picture then Browse, click the small folder with the green arrow tell the file holding your picture appears. Double click to open the folder, click on the picture and click open.
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