Sunday, February 19, 2012

Questions About Nfl Combine Events

Linda asks…

why do some NFL prospects decide to only partake in some events during the scouting combine?

pee's me right off so im just wondering why they decide to

admin answers:

I'll give you an example rather than try to explain it..

This year, Jake Locker has already said, that he will not participate in any of the throwing events. As a QB you may be wondering why he'd choose not to. Simply put, he has far more to lose than to gain. He's coming off of a less than impressive Senior season and he's already gotten a MLB contract (from the Angels). His stock went up due to a decent performance in the Senior Bowl. If he were to go out and compete in the throwing portions of the combine, he'd be side by side with the likes of Cam Newton (who will compete in all of the events).. Locker is smart enough to realize that competing side by side by either Newton, Gabbert or Mallett will only hurt his stock. All three of those guys have bigger arms than him. He doesn't face to lose anything by not competing.

On the other hand, guys like Newton, who's stock is somehow risen all the way to the top QB in the draft, wants to be the number one pick, well at least the top QB picked, and that's more of a possibility than Locker ever going first. But scouts (and teams) are afraid that he lacks the ability to take a snap from directly under center (as he went from the shotgun primarily in college).. So, if he wants to be the top QB in the draft, he has to go out and prove to everyone that he can (or is at least up to the challenge) get it done. He has far more to lose if he doesn't compete, by if he does compete.. But even if he competes and does poorly, at least he (and teams) will know where he stands.. And that also gives him more practice under pressure..

I, for one, do not think participation in the combine should be optional. I believe that every player should have to showcase their skills in any area that the scouts want to see..

Maria asks…

What position should I play?

I am 13, 5'7", 108 lbs.

Im the best overall player in my school, I can play almost every position, except O- and D-Line. I can't really tackle well (The worst in the school, actually :P), but I guess I make up for it with my coverage skills, since every pass thrown to be has been either an interception or a incompletion (so far o.o). I want to stick with this position because my dream is to become a Hall Of Famer NFL Player. In addition, what should I do to help increase the skills required? Considering the NFL Combine, what should I get in these events? And also, no (your too skinny to play football because I can prove you wrong XD)
Also, I need serious answers, as Im really intent on this. Im willing to weight train or gain some weight to fulfill the position to my best abilities.
Lol its what people who tell me this. I never talk about myself. When you prove your cockyness may be your bad day and you screw up. I let people talk for me XD

admin answers:

Corner sounds good for you but you should also try wide reciever sounds like you got good hands and your fast cuz u said youv'e gotten some picks this year. Just keep in shape and don't talk shit unless you can back it up and it sounds like you could back it up so good luck.

Carol asks…

Do you think Jared Zabransy will do well in the NFL?

I have followed college football and I really think Jared Zabransky has been the most underatted quarterback in the NFL. Not also did he have the fastest time in the 40 during the combines but he beat out the receivers and quarterbacks in the shuttle event. So why is he not getting any props? He wins and cleary, by far, the most athletic. He is also accurate and his arm strenght is average. And we all saw what he did against Oklahoma.

admin answers:

My understanding is that there's been a lot of talking about switching him to wide receiver/tight end instead of keeping him at QB. If that's the case he could definitely be successful, just look at Antwan Randle-El (former Indiana QB).

Either way I think he goes late 6th-7th round just because of the need at QB and the other QB's in the draft. I think anywhere he goes he'll be successful in whatever capacity he works at. But that's just my opinion.

Helen asks…

chris johnson runningback from east carolina i think?

anyone else see him is all u need but heres this to hes a total beast just watch
yeah ray rice matt forte kevin smith steve slaton and mike heart r good backs but he is the most explosive

admin answers:

Hes a great football player..people are talking about him being late 1st early 2nd later than Lions 2ns pick in round 2....probably the best "pure" running back in this draft..and no one really knows him......hes alot like Fred Taylor a VERY good back that doesnt get talked about,but coaches and GMS love him.....

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Questions About Nfl Betting Odds

David asks…

Need a sports betting site that will email the odds to me..?

Hi there, I'm trying to find a sports betting site, that will actually send me weekly emails showing nfl and college fb betting odds. I am having trouble finding a site, does anyone know of a site that offers this?? I had a friend say there is one that he knows of, but he didn't know the website name. I'm assuming with todays technology there should not be a problem having this offered lol. Appreciate everyones help!!! : )

admin answers:

Odds change. Go directly to the sites and compare them. Some capper services you can sign up with will do what yor looking for though.

Ken asks…

can you please explain these odds to me?

I am on nfl betting odds website and i kinda understand a little but not all of this.
STL open/48o10, Current/ 47.5, money + 650
GBP Open / -14 -04 Current -12.5 Money -600

If you can help explain this to me that would be wonderful
its a score and odds app for android, lol I take its a low quality one. thanks for your help

admin answers:

An easy way to look at it
A (+) means that is the amount of profit you will get if you this case $650
A (-) means that is the amount you must RISK in order to profit $100

Here's an easy to read article about sports betting for newbies :)

Betty asks…

What does "no juice" mean when it comes to NFL betting?

I wanna bet on the titans and saints game and i checked the website and there is 2 kinds of bet.The first one is normal and the 2nd one is "no juice" and the odds was a bit higher.What does "no juice" mean?

admin answers:

Means you don't have to pay a fee to them if you win.

Laura asks…

nfl margin odds?

I made a few bets the last super bowl, the odds were win by
1-6 poinst 7-12 points 13-18 points, what type of bet is this called? and is this betting only done at the final game?

admin answers:

Over-Under.. I Know this for a fact, because this is the only type of superbowl bet i do every year.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Questions About Nfl Clothing For Men

Ken asks…

Is it OK for a man to wear a satin rhinestone NFL jacket?

I'm an English chap who is going to the NFL game in London in October. It'll be a big party day out and my friends and I have been tasked with finding the most over-the-top clothing we can find to wear to the game. I've seen a great shiny rhinestone jacket but i believe only ladies wear such things. I'm more than prepared to look like a bit of a plonker but would it be totally unacceptable for a man to wear one to a game, even if it was with a sense of irony? Thanks for your help.

admin answers:

Where a jersey

Robert asks…

How to fight Dead Beat Dad's that gets away with our flawed system in California?

I have been the primary caretaker of my daughter, she is now 16, and I just wish this to go away soon. I have not received any type of support from my daughter's father, even though I have a court ordered support filed in my county, but still he does not pay me a single cent, because to him he does not have to. The last time we received anything from him was in 2003, and that in itself was not paid because he wanted to but because he had to. He sold a property, and I guess he had to pay his back child support first before getting any proceeds from the sale of the property. And even then he approached me trying to get that money back, citing that "I didn't mean for you to get all of that money, I was going to pay you some and pay installments in the future" what a BULL CRAP. So now I just found out that he has been denied renewal or his driver's license has been suspended. So now, he finds it necessary to battle with me in court again, to either lower the child support order or remove it at all, as he stated that he is self employed and has not made any income.

He has tried this in the past dragging on the case for so long and so much money wasted on court and lawyer fees, requesting for more visitation right and lower his child support obligation, not that he really wants to see or spend any time with my daughter, which is really unfortunate for her, he is just basically doing it so he can show the court that he is spending some time with her and that he should not pay as much support. I have agreed to joint custody and have worked out a visitation schedule until she turns 18. We live about 6 hrs away from each other, and you would think he would spend every minute of that visitation schedule with her, UNFORTUNATELY NO! He would be in town and not even see her, but he would call her and let her know that he was in town for business and that he did not have enought time to swing by and see her, and this has gone on her entire life. Sometimes I would always think that it's my fault for not choosing a better father for her and for letting him do this to her, but I don't want to focus on that. What I do focus on is to fill in that void that she may be feeling for not being able to spend that time with her father, and keeping her busy and motivated in life so that she does not have to think about him. I have always told her, not to expect too much from him so that if and when she gets disappointed by him, it would not hurt as much. I learned the hard way, and I do believe he is not capable of changing.

What I find really ridiculous with the system, is that he can get a way with not paying any support, and still parade around with expensive vehicles, designer clothing and able to go to professional sports games like NBA and NFL, with really GOOD, up in the front seats, and yet the system cannot collect from what he owes us. Then when he takes me to court for the same issues to get his support order lowered. The system allows him to get extensions after extensions from the court, dragging this matter so long that often, I just give in rather than fight him, as I do not have the money, time and energy to further waste in this non sense system and sorry a** of a man. The system has even allowed him to appear via phone, just to later find out that he's requested another extension and have actually been granted one too for some bull crap reason that he comes up. The most famous one is "someone died in my family." It's like everytime we have a court date, a family member drops dead. I have pointed this out with the court, but he's able to get away with it anyway. I just really have had enough of this sorry a** of a man. I could be directing this energy and money to my daughter's well being, but instead I have to join this bandwagon of bull crap from this man and from our system. I have been laid off from work and have been out of work for the past 9 months, unfortunately I have not been able to find any stable employment, this has been the longest I have been unemployed in my entire life. I have been laid off before, but I would always find another job within that same month. I am about to lose my home, and this could not have come on a better time. I just wanted to know if there are any lawyers out there willing to take this case either pro-bono or IOU in the future of course, that would really represent and fight this sorry a** of a man. Even if there isn't one out there willing to take the case, maybe just some assistance/advise on what to do to fight this and finally put an end to this charade. Thank you for reading and commenting :)

admin answers:

Surprised he hasn't been arrested for contempt of court.Don't know what county your in but in Placer and Sacramento,they jail men for what ever they can.Raise holy hell with your county child support services and district attorney office.File for modification and when you go to court,ask why your case isn't being taken care of.Arrears is penalized at 10% per month so this dude must have one huge bill to pay.Remind him that "all" of his social security can be levied for past arrears and all of his tax returns can be intercepted.If he isn't working,court will require him to look for work and report his job search to court or be jailed for contempt.He's responsible for child support whether he see's his child or not.Your local child support office has info for free legal aid.While California is a skirt state and unfairly penalizes men to the point of making them homeless,they are our kids and should pay some thing.hell,I'm paying ongoing for kids in their late 20's and early 30's so I find it unbelievable he can get away with not paying.Lucky I guess.

George asks…

What do you think of patrick tillman's death?

alright he was an NFL star and gave up his multi million dollar contract to enlist in the army, because of 9/11 him and his younger brother kevin. they were in the same platoon in Afghanistan, the Humvee were spilt up. and ended up going around in a circle and him and another guy were out of the humvee trying to get help because theres broke down or something. the other guys in the platoon kept fireing at them because they thought they were enimies which didn't make sense cause they were waving there arms and threw a smoke gerade or w/e one means your american/in danger. the man that shot patrick tillmen was an outcast in the platoon and none of the men cared for him. pat was shot with a SAW rifle hit him three times in the head perfect shots i mean if you can do that you should be able to see the person.. Kevin tillmen, pats brother was worried because he knew an american was killed and he didn't hear his brothers voice or loud laugh so in his gut he had a feeling it was patrick. the three things that really upset me about patricks story was that kevin wanted his brothers journal he kept and they burned it. and they burned his clothes he arrived naked to the medical exaimer and they lied about his death to the world..

Rest in peace patrick tillmen,
you are missed by your friends,family and fans.
you will never be forgotton.

sorry about my spelling.
(i read the book i know my facts)
Just was wondering what everyone thought on how he died if it was purpose or not, doing a project on him in school.

Just was wondering..
my class thinks it was purpose.
but i'm 50/50 on both sides not to sure now that i think about it.
didn't say that in the book that they ruled it murder but i do think i saw that somewhere though..

admin answers:

You failed to mention one more disturbing fact.....the coroner called it murder

I am not so much disturbed that they fabricated a story ..... Sometimes it is better the family not know the ugly details...... AS LONG as they do not cover up the crime.....punish the guilty...... Which in this case my opinion.... Have not tried hard enough to do..... It is true several people lost their careers but that is not enough in my opinion....... Maybe there was not enough proof? To hang the SOB ???

MEEP .... America has no "commandos"...... Tillman signed a contract requesting Ranger duty.... The military had no option but to give him the job he contracted to do
.... And Rangers , just like SAS, do NOT sit at a fire base / recruit.... He would have sued our @ss off and won.....
I firmly believe Tillman was murdered.... I "think' there were political aspects that the military did NOT want exposed in court..... That is why his notebook was burned and they attempted to hide the guess Tillman was writing a book and had some things to say about the military / the war.... The murder was UNRELATED to the "book".... Just some dirtbag slacker "fragging" a leader he did not like for personal reasons.... But a trial would have hurt the military and Tillman's family.....
Not all military deaths need to be "exposed".... I had a trooper stabbed to death by a whore while having sex..... As far as his family knows he died in combat a hero..... He served his country.... Risked and lost his life doing his duty.... If he had blown himself up sitting on the toilet the way my First Sergeant did makes little difference to his family or memory ...Tillman was a hero who gave his life ..... The details are not important

Laura asks…

Should I go?

My Fiance and I have been together for 4 years now. We have a baby together. I want to get married but he says why buy the cow, when you can get milk free.
He has a business but all the shots are called by this man who is like his partner The man has 29 other businesses like his but the one he owns is the one thats doing the worse because the man wont advertise for it To make a long story short the man has done nothing in 2 years My fiance is still wating for the guy to do something We are struggling to pay the bills I work from 8-5. M-F. I told him that if he wishes to wait for the man to get the bus going he should get a job but he wont We don't have health insurance we just dont have any money for anything I need braces and I cant get it But we got netflix NFL ticket and a projection TV cuz he wanted it Also I work all day and I do the clothes Dishes and clean the house and when I get home I take care of the baby He loves me a lot but thats all is keeping us together

admin answers:

Honey, where do you see yourself in ten or even five years from today? Love is a wonderful thing to have but when it comes down to it, It doesn't pay the bills.

He needs to be working with you, not against you. It may seem like he is helping by taking care of the baby in the day time, but you might as well be working two jobs, because the minute you hit the door you have a baby in your arms to take care of with dishes, and clothes to wash. Your working yourself to death.

It doesn't seem like your doing so much when you know it has to be done and you've just gotten so used to doing it.

Look at the big picture! What if the baby needs that health insurance? Heaven forbid!

What if you had a sitter to take care of the baby. It would be nice to go to work, pick up the baby from the sitter, go home to a house you previously cleaned and is still clean because nobody has been sitting around making it dirty again, and then do just for yourself and the baby. A place where you don't have to pay for or watch football. I think you might find that you are not as tired or as stressed and you may even have money left over for extras.

I don't even think you can really call him your Fiance. Maybe you need a break from him. Maybe he will stop being so passive and step it up in his business affairs once he sees that you are serious.

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Questions About Nfl Picks Week 2 Scores

Jenny asks…

nfl question, how can i get like the average team scores for a work game?

a game at work we have and we pick the team we think will win and you have to get them all right and if you do you get 160 bucks so far 2 guys have picked all the right teams.
like this week arizona @ green bay and atlanta @ cincinnati, etc. any help please? like a website where I can get team ratings? i know nothing about foot ball lol?


admin answers:

USA Today has a wealth of statistics. Go to their home page=>sports=>NFL=>statistics.

Rather than focus too much on points scored, look at the team with the better defense. Chicago rallied from 20 points down to beat AZ, and did not score an offensive TD in the game.

Turn over margins (take aways) are a good indication as well. In about 70 % of all the games played, the team that wins the turn over battle wins the game. You want teams with a + number in this category.

The Carolina-Dallas game is a good example of a mismatch. Dallas QB Tony Romo is basically a rookie (experience wise), and plays behind one of the worst offensive lines in the NFL. The Panthers have one of the best defensive lines in football, they have two great receivers going against a pitiful Dallas secondary, and Carolina is at home. Carolina will come at Romo fast and hard from all directions. It could get ugly in a hurry.

Keep in mind that picking games is often as much a crap shoot as anything else. A local radio station once had three of their DJ's picking along with a monkey. The monkey beat all of them.

Hope this helps!

Thomas asks…

Week 1 NFL football predictions please? ?


Monday Night:

Please pick a score for the 2 Monday Night games. Thanks

I meant pick your choices for all the games but only pick scores for the Monday games as tie breakers. Thanks

admin answers:


GB 24- 17 MIN
DEN 34- 24 OAK

Richard asks…

NFL Playoff Bracket pool, Do players get to re-pick?

I set up a pool with nfl playoffs including the wild card week. Now that the teams have been "re-seeded" some players do not have a pick on certain games for the week. Do I let players pick a divisional winner if they picked the correct wild card winner? Or should I make everyone pick again and use the wild card round points a bonus points. I set up the scoring as a progressive pick 'em.
1 point each correct in round 1
4 for superbowl champ

admin answers:

Yes, they do.

Nancy asks…

NFL playoff predictions?

What do you think will happen in this weekend games?

Ravens @ Colts: Ravens win on last second field goal, 31-28. Colt starters will be rusty. And Ray Rice is a beast. Brady turned it over, so will Peyton (not as much though, maybe 2 ints).
Cardinals @ Saints: Cardinals in a shoot out, 34-28. The Saints looked awful at the end of the season (how do you lose to the Bucs!?!?) and after least week we know Arizona can score.
Cowboys @ Minnesota: Tough game to pick, I'm going with Minnesota just because of their defense, 17-14.
Jets @ Chargers: Teams don't do well when they travel to the opposite coast. The Jets cannot contain Floyd, Gates, and Jackson. The Jets running game is awesome, but will be abanoned if they fall behind early. I don't like rookie quarterbacks under that kind of pressure (I'm a USC fan so i actually like Sanchez). The Jets defense limits the Chargers offense, but doesn't stop them. Chargers win, 28-17.

So, your picks?

admin answers:

My prediction not only for this weekend but for the Championship Round and The Superbowl games as well...

AFC Divisional Round
Colts over The Ravens
Chargers over The Jets

NFC Divisional Round
Saints over The Cardinals
Minnesota over The Cowboys

AFC Championship Round
Chargers over The Colts

NFC Championship Round
Minnesota over The Saints

Chargers over The Vikings

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Questions About Nfl Coaches Pictures

Mary asks…

what are the pictures are called that the NFL teams are able to have on the sidelines during games?

The pictures that the coaches show the QB's for them to see how a series went. And the defense's can see too!

admin answers:

Game Polaroids. As in instant camera film, although I'm sure by now they are digital and the name is just a throwback.

EDIT: Seriously, they are called "Game Polaroids" or just "Polaroids" Al michaels was talking about it last Monday.

John asks…

Where can I find a list of all coaches for the NFL (not just head coaches) from 1989 to present?

It would be nice if they were organized by team and awesome if they had pictures! Thanks so much!

admin answers:

Carol asks…

NFL coaches covering their mouths?

NFL coaches cover their mouths when giving plays. Where on the internet is a picture of a coach covering his mouth. (Mainly want the Jet's coach but will take any)

admin answers:

Mike Holmgren was the first person I thought of when you asked that. I mean, all coaches do that but it seems like he is always doing that. This picture is a side angle, but it kind of gets the point across.


William asks…

How are NFL Wild Card teams specifically determined?

I realize that one must be "the best" in their division and not already qualify for a playoff spot, but who exactly determines what "the best" means? (Somehow I have the mental picture of an NFL official sitting in a lawn chair on the beach being personally pampered by head coaches from various teams.)

NOTE: I know that it's much too early in the season to worry about wild card spots; I literally woke up this morning with the lingering thought in my head. Strange.

admin answers:

There are a whole series of tiebreakers the league uses. Someone will probably beat me to it while I go off to look for it ...

Ah, here we go:

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Questions About Nfl Lines

James asks…

Anyone know where I can get the NFL opening lines each week and how they have shifted over the week?

I'm looking for the opening lines from Vegas which are usually considered the official lines for the week. I'm trying to track the progress of the NFL lines and how they have shifted over the course of the week and if there is a website or other free resource that will show me the moves the lines have made over the course of the week.

admin answers:

My Yahoo! Pick'Em League tracks the lines as they change throughout the week. Go to this link. It is easy to set up a team with your Yahoo! Account. You can track all future lines and look at past ones as well.

Ken asks…

when is the best time to wager on sportsbook nfl lines? on monday when the lines are first up, or before games?

or before the game actually starts on saturday?

admin answers:

Always on the last day, because of the injury report and weather

Chris asks…

Does it surprise you that the two best rushing attacks in the NFL have the two worst offensive lines?

The Chiefs and the Raiders have the 1st nd 2nd best rushing attacks according to, but the 31st and 32nd best offensive lines according to

admin answers:

I find it more contradictory than surprising. As good as the defenses are in the NFL, you are NOT going to have the best rushing attacks in the league without good blocking in front of you. Since the teams have the best rushing attacks by statistics, that means that whatever you read on is bull. This is not the first example of that.

Carol asks…

Can anyone post the NFL betting lines for this weekend?

Will give best answer!
I cant go to any of those sites while I'm at work. Thats why I came here, hoping someone can post them for me.

admin answers:


OAKLAND +3-110 o38½-110
206 KANSAS CITY -3-110 u38½-110
10:00 AM

207 HOUSTON +6½-110 o40½-110
208 TENNESSEE -6½-110 u40½-110
10:00 AM

209 NEW ENGLAND -3-130 o46-110
210 NY JETS +3+110 u46-110
10:00 AM

211 CINCINNATI +9½-110 o42-110
212 GREEN BAY -9½-110 u42-110
10:00 AM

213 MINNESOTA -9½-110 o46½-110
214 DETROIT +9½-110 u46½-110
10:00 AM

215 NEW ORLEANS PK-110 o47-110
216 PHILADELPHIA PK-110 u47-110
10:00 AM

217 CAROLINA +6-110 o43-110
218 ATLANTA -6-110 u43-110
10:00 AM

219 ST. LOUIS +9½-110 o36½-110
220 WASHINGTON -9½-110 u36½-110
10:00 AM

221 ARIZONA +3-105 o42½-110
222 JACKSONVILLE -3-115 u42½-110
1:05 PM

223 SEATTLE +1½-110 o39½-110
224 SAN FRANCISCO -1½-110 u39½-110
1:05 PM

225 TAMPA BAY +5½-110 o42-110
226 BUFFALO -5½-110 u42-110
1:15 PM

227 CLEVELAND +3+105 o37½-110
228 DENVER -3-125 u37½-110
1:15 PM

229 BALTIMORE +3-110 o40½-110
230 SAN DIEGO -3-110 u40½-110
1:15 PM

231 PITTSBURGH -3+105 o38-110
232 CHICAGO +3-125 u38-110
5:20 PM

233 NY GIANTS +3-125 o43½-110
234 DALLAS -3+105 u43½-110

NFL - Sep 21
5:35 PM
235 INDIANAPOLIS -3-125 o42-110

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Questions About

Richard asks…

How can u take a highlight video from NFLNETWORK.COM and post it on youtube?

I know that this is not the category for this question but, no one on the other category is not answering anything.

admin answers:

You technically could, but most likely it will be reported by someone because those clips are copyrighted. They will take it down or mute the sound on you.

Donna asks…

Does anyone know how I can cop the NFL highlights on and save it to my computer?

I want to just copy a couple of highlight videos and put it on Youtube.

admin answers:

Robert asks…

How can I find email addresses for sports commentators on the nflnetwork?

Desirous of contacting Jamie Dukes at Seeking his professional opinion regarding Atlanta Falcons personnel.

admin answers:

Here is his home address , 108 s. Ortman st, Orlando fla 32805.he has always been good of signing autographs through the mail. If you send him anything includ a sase.

Mark asks…

2011 nfl games on

admin answers:

And the question is what. Go to to get your answer

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Questions About Nfl Com

Steven asks…

Is the content of "Weekly Leaders" under the "Stats" tab on updated in real-time, as NFL games are played, or is it updated at the end of each week?

admin answers:

Well they update during gametime but I prefer's scoreboard under NFL its presented better than's. ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports and rightfully so their website is accurate and awesome!

Lisa asks…

Who is the player on the commericial who says his grandfather was overthrown in a coup?

I can't find the commercial on and I want to hear the rest of the story. He says his grandfather was president and overthrown in a coup.

admin answers:

Charlie Peprah of the Packers.


Michael asks…

When I open, it open up in a different language. How do I get it back to english?

Everytime I open website http:\, it opens up in a language other than english. I think it spanish or french. How do I get it back to englis? I am having this same problem with internet explorer and firefox. Please help. Thanks

admin answers:

The site for the National Football Association? I don't see any language-changing link. And when I logged-on to check, it looks fine to me; it's in English.

If does have a link marked "idioma" or "langue" (respectively Spanish and French for "language"), click it and it might say "English/Spanish/French", "Inglés/Español/Francés" and/or "Anglais/Espagnol/Français." Then click that.

Hope I've been helpful to you. Otherwise, check with your computer repair person. Good luck.

Ken asks…

How would i upload a picture from my pictures to use as an avatar for ?

I would like to use one of my pics to represent my name for

admin answers:

If the picture is on your computer you can upload it to the website. Click upload picture then Browse, click the small folder with the green arrow tell the file holding your picture appears. Double click to open the folder, click on the picture and click open.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Questions About Nfl Bye Weeks Espn

Donna asks…

What the hell is going on with Travis Henry? Is he still NFL eligible?

I am looking for a backup back for my fantasy team, and ESPN says he has a bye week every week. The reasoning for me wondering this is that I signed Torrain for this past week and well, you know what happened to him, and the RB situation for Denver. So I was wondering if you guys think the Broncos might pick him back up or if he is suspended.

admin answers:

He's suspended by NFL indefinitely plus on top of that he got busted for drug trafficking.

David asks…

NFL FANS You tired of the little wimp Mike Greeney on espn MIKE AND MIKE..does he annoy u?

he a weenie and he's bias...on his t.v show he said.."am i the only one that notic ed if the bears had cutler they would win the game easily against the raiders"...that just shows how bias he is against westcoast teams...he failed to notice or say the raiders were playing without McFadden and two of their best receivers ford and moore and heyward bey was still inured and barely played in the game...not 2 mention ford and morre are great on punt and kick returns...he always talks about the same thing week after week he talks about the jets even when they have a bye week...u guys agree with me? tell me whats ur beef with him is if u he does annoy u
with mcfadden and moore and ford and a healthy bey the raiders would have easily whooped on the bears even with cutler

admin answers:

I don't mind him. Almost every analyst has something to say that I won't agree with.

The only analyst that truly bothers me is Skip Bayless. Can't stand him.

Sandy asks…

Did the Browns fire the right guy?

Cleveland Browns general manager George Kokinis was ousted Monday, a league source confirmed to ESPN senior NFL analyst Chris Mortensen, but team owner Randy Lerner said coach Eric Mangini would not be joining him.

Television station WKYC and the Cleveland Plain Dealer first reported Monday night that Kokinis was ushered out of the Berea facility by security around lunchtime Monday. Kokinis was brought in to helm the team after the Browns had hired Mangini, who coached last year with the New York Jets.

A source initially said Kokinis had been fired, but sources later told Mortensen and ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter the team has not announced the move because it is working on a settlement with Kokinis in which he would resign, but he has thus far refused the deal.

An upset Lerner told the Plain Dealer and Beacon-Journal on Sunday that he would not fire Mangini during the club's bye week. Lerner did say he would like to bring in a "strong, credible, serious leader" to help run his team.

Kokinis, who had 18 years worth of NFL experience, was the final voice on the Browns' 53-man roster.

admin answers:

Well, I think firing the right guy would entail firing Lerner but since he's the owner that's just not going to happen. Between Kokonis and Mangini though, blame has to be laid at the head coach's feet first and he should be the one axed. By hiring Mangini before hiring a GM, Lerner essentially neutered Kokonis and it will be impossible to find a "strong, credible, serious leader" to fill that position as long as Mangini is still there.

Laura asks…

Who should i start week 7? (Sorry, wall of text)?

Who should i start week 7?
Okay so im in a little bind.

Eli Manning VS SF
Matt Schuab VS Det

Schuabs been hot and he's playing DET, need i say more?
Eli Manning is Cold and is Playing the 9ers, problem is the 9ers have like 9INTS this season compared to DETs 2 INTS this season. Manning is more reliable, but had a HORRIBLE game vs CLE last monday.
I'm leaning towards schuab.
My RB's are:
Frank Gore @NYG
Sammy Morris vs Den
M. Moore @CIN
A.Peterson @CHI
Willis McGahee @Miami (already decided on benching him)

NYG hasn't allowed 1RB this season to break 100yards.
Willie Parker is out and Moore is starting vs the worst Run D in the NFL
Maroney and Jordan are both out for NE playing at home VS DEN who's run D is pretty bad
AP vs a CHI D that's apparently all banged up (according to

WR-wise im a pretty weak:

Andre Johnson
Lance Moore @CAR
Marques Colston @CAR (will be playing according to ESPN)

Im spent between Moore and Colston.
The only guys available on the waivers are:
Greg Camarillo
Eddie Royal (who im trying to pick up but probably not starting)
Patrick Clayton
Ike Hillard
Dominik Hixon

Greg Olsen VS Min
Bo Scaife @KC

Scaife has it easier, had a killer game before the bye.
Olsen is Olsen, but vs Min?.

BTW, standard league:
Thanks in advance guys. (BTW i always choose a best answer :D)

admin answers:

QB I'm taking Scuab to the bank.
RB - Gore and AP - BTW Parker may be returning this week reducing moores role.
WR/RB - Sammy Morris
WR - Andre and Colston, don't think twice
TE - Olson - deep passes will be covered, olsen 4 catches 36 yds and a TD

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Questions About Nfl Standings 2011

Mandy asks…

2010-2011 Nfl Standings and Playoff predictions?

What are your guys Nfl 2010-2011 standing predictions and playoff predictions I think it will look like this
y-playoff berth z-division winner zx-1st round bye -* Homefield Advantage
Afc East
z-Jets 11-5
Patriots 10-6
Dolphins 8-8
Bills 5-11

Afc North
z-Steelers 10-6
Ravens 9-7
Bengals 8-8
Browns 4-12

Afc South
zx-Colts 12-4
y-Titans 11-5
Texans 10-6
Juaguars 8-8

Afc West
-*Chargers 13-3
y-Broncos 11-5
Raiders 6-10
Chiefs 2-14

Nfc East
-*Giants 13-3
y-Cowboys 12-4
Eagles 8-8
Redskins 6-10

Nfc North
zx-Vikings 12-4
y-Packers 11-5
Lions 4-12
Bears 4-12

Nfc South
z-Saints 11-5
Panthers 10-6
Falcons 8-8
Buccaneers 2-14

Nfc West
z-49ers 9-7
Cardinals 8-8
Seahawks 4-12
Rams 3-13

Wild Card Weekend
49ers over Cowboys Saints over Packers
Broncos over Steelers Jets over Titans

Divisional Playoffs
Saints over Vikings Giants over 49ers
Chargers over Broncos Colts over Jets
Championship Round
Saints over Giants
Chargers over Colts

Chargers over Saints

admin answers:

Jets (3)

Ravens (1st Round Bye) (1)

Colts (1st Round Bye) (2)
Titans (Wild Card) (5)
Texans (Wild Card) (6)

Chargers (4)

Cowboys (1st Round Bye) (1)

Packers (3)
Bears (Wild Card) (5)

Saints (1st Round Bye) (2)
Falcons (Wild Card) (6)


Wild Card:
Packers over Falcons
Bears over 49ers
Jets over Texans
Titans over Chargers


Jets over Colts
Ravens over Titans
Cowboys over Bears
Saints over Packers

Jets over Ravens (OT)
Saints over Cowboys (OT)

Super Bowl:
Saints over Jets

Nancy asks…

2011 NFL Division Standings-your predictions?

How do you think the division will turn out in 2011. Here is what I think:
AFC East
NY Jets-9-7
AFC North
AFC South
AFC West
NFC East
NFC North-
NFC South
NFC West
Cardinals- 2-13

admin answers:

Doing predictions before free agency, the draft, and coaches are hired is practically worthless. There's no telling what some teams will look like next year.

Jenny asks…

These are my 2011-12 NFL standings predictions. What are yours?

Now that the lockout is almost officially over, these are my predictions. And yes, I know they don't equal up, but these are just my basic predictions on how I think teams will do.

AFC East
1. z-Patriots 14-2
2. x-Jets 12-4
3. Dolphins 6-10
4. Bills 4-12

AFC South
1. y-Colts 12-4
2. Jaguars 9-7
3. Texans 6-10
4. Titans 5-11

AFC North
1. y-Steelers 12-4
2. x-Ravens 11-5
3. Browns 7-9
4. Bengals 5-11

AFC West
1. y-Chargers 10-6
2. Cheifs 9-7
3. Raiders 9-7
4. Broncos 3-13

NFC East
1. y-Eagles 11-5
2. x-Giants 10-6
3. Cowboys 10-6
4. Redskins 6-10

NFC South
1. y-Falcons 12-4
2. x- Saints 11-5
3. Buccaneers 7-9
4. Panthers 4-12

NFC North
1. z- Packers 13-3
2. Bears 9-7
3. Lions 7-9
4. Vikings 5-11

NFC West
1. Rams 8-8
2. Seahawks 7-9
3. 49ers 5-11
4. Cardinals 2-11

admin answers:

AFC East:
1. Patriots
2. Jets
3. Dolphins
4. Bills

AFC South:
1. Colts
2. Texans
3. Jags
4. Titans

AFC North:
1. Steelers
2. Ravens
3. Browns
4. Bengals

AFC West:
1. Chargers
2. Raiders
3. Chiefs
4. Broncoes

NFC East:
1. Eagles
2. Giants
3. Cowboys
4. Red Skins

NFC South:
1. Saints
2. Falcons
3. Bucs
4. Panthers

NFC North:
1. Packers
2. Bears
3. Lions
4. Vikings

NFC West:
1. Rams
2. 49ers
3. Seahawks
4. Cardinals

AFC Playoffs:
1. Patriots
2. Steelers
3. Chargers
4. Colts
5. Ravens
6. Jets

NFC Playoffs:
1. Packers
2. Saints
3. Eagles
4. Rams
5. Lions
6. Giants

Mary asks…

2010-2011 NFL Reg.Season Standings?

Here's Mine

AFC North-*Bengals(11-5) (Offense is back)
Ravens(9-7) (Missing Ed Reed hurts,come up short of playoffs)
Steelers(7-9) (Big Jen out 4-6 weeks,too much distractions)
Browns(5-11) (It's the Cleveland Browns...)

AFC South-*Colts(13-3) (Colts too strong)
*Titans(10-6) (Avoid starting 0-6, and they are good)
Texans(8-8) (Not quite there yet)
Jaguars(6-10) (Another long season)

AFC East-*Patriots(10-6) (Not their strongest season,very close with the Jets)
*Jets(10-6) (Lose tie breaker to Patriots)
Dolphins(8-8) (Not this year)
Bills(3-13) (No hope what so ever)

AFC West-*Chargers(10-6) (Tough season, Jackson is a FA)
Broncos(8-8) (Lost Marshall, fell apart last year)
Chiefs(7-9) (See improvment in this team)
Raiders(4-12) (Bad team)

NFC North-*Vikings(12-4) (Barely beat out the Pack,I hate Bret Favre)
*Packers(11-5) (Hang with Vikings,come up shortof division)
Bears(9-7) (This team scares me)
Lions(2-14) (Nowhere close)

NFC South-*Saints(13-3) (Very strong team)
*Panthers(9-7) (Running game gets Clausen & Panthers winning season)
Falcons(8-8) (Come up short in long run)
Buccaneers(6-10) (Little improvement)

NFC East-*Cowboys(10-6) (Edge out G men)
Giants(8-8) (Just miss playoffs)
Eagles (7-9) (Don't trust in Kolb)
Redskins(7-9) (Not enough to make it in)

NFC West-*49ers(9-7) (Strong D, win a weak division)
Cardinals(8-8) (Matt Leinart won't get it done)
Seahawks(7-9) (Some improvement)
Rams(4-12) (Few more seasons until Bradford leads to playoffs)

Just want to see anyone's agreements/disagreements (probably lots of disagreements and hate) but whatever

admin answers:

AFC North-*Bengals(11-5) (I agree with this one, and this record too. They might lose the first game but their schedule looks pretty easy until November.)
Ravens(9-7) (I also agree with this record too. They've got some tough games.)
Steelers(7-9) (Big Jen, lol. 8-9 losses seems about right. This is getting weird. We need to disagree on something.)
Browns(1-15) (About time we disagree. I don't think they've made all that much progress at all. Some times sports just doesn't seem fair. This town is trying to get over LeBron and now they have a pretty tough schedule along with their lack of talent.)

AFC South-*Colts(13-3) (Regular season champs. Like always. Can't carry it into the postseason.)
Texans(9-7) (Texans get the tie breaker with Titans.)
Titans(9-7) (I have these guys losing 7-8 games.)
Jaguars(6-10) (yeah, I agree. 10-11 loses seems about right looking at their schedule. MJD can only do but so much.)

AFC East-*Patriots(12-4) (this is basically wishful thinking, me being a Patriots fan. If the team comes together like I'm hoping they will they'll be very good for years to come with all the new young talent.)
Jets(10-6) (this is about right. Kinda tough schedule but they have some nice players.)
Dolphins(8-8) (8-9 loses. I agree. Really tough schedule.)
Bills(3-13) 13-14.( Agreed again. Tough schedule and not enough talent.)

AFC West-*Chargers(11-5) (easy teams to start the season so Jackson ban won't hurt them all that much.)
Broncos(8-8) (7-8 losses, I agree. They get the tie breaker.)
Chiefs(8-8) (very much improved.)
Raiders(4-12) (I'm hoping you're right on this.)

NFC North-*Vikings(11-5) (Tough schedule but they have alot of talent. Get tie breaker.)
Packers(11-5) (I agree.)
Bears(6-10) (I'm not so optimistic about this team.)
Lions(2-14) (I'm going to agree with you on this schedule but I won't be surprised if they got 0-16 again. Tough schedule.)

NFC South-*Saints(13-3) (3-4 loses I agree. Didn't lose much this offseason.)
Falcons(10-6) (Schedule looks favorable.)
Panthers(6-10) (I can't see them doing much. That defense took a big hit losing Peppers.)
Buccaneers(6-10) (I agree. Tough schedule.)

NFC East-*Cowboys(9-7) (Tough schedule but luckily for them the NFC East has weakened.)
Giants(8-8) (I agree, 7-8 wins. Very close with the Cowboys.)
Eagles (7-9) (8-9 loss team, I agree.)
Redskins(7-9) (also agree here.)

NFC West-*49ers(10-6) (I could see them winning 11 because their schedule looks ridiculously easy.)
Cardinals(8-8) (agree here too.)
Seahawks(7-9) (8-9 losses is about right.)
Rams(4-12) (I agree. Bradford will take time.)

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Questions About Nfl Scores Espn Week 1

Carol asks…

Who will have the best week in Fantasy Football?

You get 1 guess, and you can pick any NFL player that has yet to play.

If you guess the person who gets the highest point total, you get the 10 points.

~1 GUESS EACH. ESPN Fantasy Football Scoring.

admin answers:

Philip Rivers, even though i don't like him. You are talking Monday night right? Am I the only one that understood the question?

Lizzie asks…

Who do I start this week?

Mike Williams (SEA) vs 29 ranked atl pass defense
Steve Johnson (BUF) vs 10 ranked mia pass defense

May I add that Lee Evans is now on IR so Steve Johnson is now #1. Mike Williams played good when he started.

Steve Johnson stats:
Mike Williams stats:

Standard Scoring not PPR.

admin answers:

Id go with 'Johnson. Both havent been the best this season but johnson has big play potential

Ruth asks…

Does anyone else HATE Rich Eisen of NFL Network?

If you dont, then you either do not watch him enough, or you dont know enough about football

Unfortunately, loving football like I do, Once a week is not enough for me. I need more football, and ESPN is UNBEARABLE now

I dont care about bowling and golf and horse racing and tennis and Stuart Scott sucks, hes not funny - and the BEST EVER FOOTBALL Show in HISTORY was NFL Primetime with Berman and Jackson

they cancelled it - not because the ratings were bad, they were GREAT. And thats why they cancelled it - so they can split it up into little segments called "The Blitz" and spread it out over an hour and half of Sportscenter - which is OK on Sundays, I like Dilfer and so on

but most of ESPN People are terrible and they show constant useless nonesense

So I am forced to watch NFL Network to get all the football I want

dont get me wrong, most of NFL Network staff is just awful. Jamie Dukes is a piece of trash, Michael Irvin knows nothing about football outside of WR

Deion Sanders is cool, and he is very smart

but Rich Eisen, my god, he is so retarded. He has such little football knowledge. He does the Total Access and he does little cameos on shows like Top Ten ect..

and EVERY chance he gets, he loves to profess his Gay Man-LOVE for Tom Brady, just because he went to the same College as Brady (Mich.) 30 Bald-Free years before Tom

He constantly tries to show people up and act like he is better than everyone else. He tries to One-Up people like Deion Sanders

Are you kidding me? Hey Eisen - you are a fat pasty useless waste of space, and Deion is one of the best all-around athletes of all time. Are you sick? You do not belong on a Pedestal, I know you think you do, because you went to the College that Brady went too, but that doesnt mean anything.

I went to the same Mall as Thurman Thomas and Jim Kelly, does that make me cool too!?!?!?

His opinions are awful - Examples

1 - On "top ten" he said Mich. was the BEST all time school for pumping out good NFL Players, the idea was the schools ranked to #1 had to give out the most NFL Players that did good things like Pro Bowls and Super Bowls and records ect.... and Michigan was ranked #5 or 6 or w/e and he was FURIOUS. The whole show, long after Michigans thing was up, in EVERY OTHER Segment he kept complaining. His reason, and I quote - "Two Words, Tom Brady"
What? thats ONE Person, and he is not even the best QB of all time. Sure he is up there - but one GREAT QB? Why... cuz you went there? he was actually upset about it, what a freak

2 - then over the 76 Buccs vs 08 Lions as the worst team of all time dispute, He argued the Lions were worse "0-16, period" ok.. well TB lost 26 in a row, Detroit lost 18 i think? and Detroit actually got close in some games, scored alot of points in some. TB was terrible, coudlmt score, allowed a million points, and they went Winless in one season, and ALMOST in another until the 2nd last game

sure it doesnt matter who is worse - its close - but you cant say "0-16, period" because thats RETARDED. TB LOST MORE GAMES. I mean he just is so bad, everything he says is terrible

And he ALWAYS Defends New England. Every Penalty on them is a bad call according to him. On the show Official Review with the head Referee of the League, he ALWAYS trys to put in Patriots Games, and usually he is friendly with the Ref - but with calls that go against NE he gets snippy and bitchy, he is so pathetic

I CANT BELEIVE he is the face of that network. The NFL needs to get a new face. and NOT Steve Sabol cuz he sucks too. Get someone who actually has played or coached in the NFL. Not just some clueless journalist who has ZERO CREDIBILITY.

I know this is long, I know most people dont care - but I just wanted to include everything so it comes up in google, and so when people look him up, maybe they will see this, and make posts of their own, that way, the internet can be flooded with Rich Eisen HATRED

He sucks, hes terrible, he is pathetic, he knows nothing about football, he looks goofy, talks like an idiot, tries to be funny and is sooo far from it, and he actually thinks he is better than everyone around him

Why... cuz your on TV? you suck eisen, you suck. your awful and I hate you

admin answers:

I'm sorry.You lost me.

I stopped reading your rant after you said that Deion Sanders was SMART!?!?!?!

Mary asks…

what does everyone think of the RAW rating for last night?

For the second week in a row, RAW scored a 3.8 cable rating. RAW did hours of 3.7 and 3.9. On a side note, WWE RAW beat the NFL preseason game on ESPN.

Also another question.

What would YOU rate RAW last night from 1-10. 10 being the best?

admin answers:

I would give it a 8

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Questions About Nfl Breast Cancer Awareness Gloves

Ken asks…

Where can i get pink breast cancer awareness gloves?

I've been watching the nfl all day and the pink receiver gloves are kind of fresh and i'd like a pair. I'd imagine they'd want to sell them as a fundraiser or something. where can i get ahold of a pair???

admin answers:

Get em from A regular store

Helen asks…

Reebok NFL Adult Pink Fade Football Gloves?

NFL Equipment Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Fade WR/RB Gloves
i wanna find these sooo bad.
our football colors are pink/black/grey.
It would look so hott if i had them, can someone help me find them.
I put the info in google and dicks, modells and everywhere says error, makes no sense, plz help me

admin answers:

By saying error, it is referring that the item is out of stock. I checked just about every website that i could think of for you, and i kept getting the same thing. Out of stock....keep watching on ebay. They'll pop up there i'd assume eventually. Good luck and sorry i couldn't be of more help.

Robert asks…

Why are people mad at me because i dont support Womens National Breast Cancer Awareness month?

I dont really give a damn about this and the reason this even came up was because i was watching NFL football and if you NOTICED the players are playing, wearing pink shoes and gloves to support etc.. So when my team came out on the field and i see they are STILL wearing this, which makes two weeks now. My friends and their girlfriends (which i dont know why they were here) got all in my *** because i said(dude come on already with the pink **** go away!) women have always treated me like **** so i dont really have feelings for none of them no matter what happens to them.I just live my life and dont care about this, women are always warned about the dangers of breast and cervical cancer, and there are always women-only fundraisers, yet I GUARANTEE that if there were men-only campaigns raising awareness of testicular and prostate cancer, the feminists would be up in arms, but my friends were saying i was being out of line but i have a right not to support this correct?

admin answers:

It's your right not to support it. But it's common courtesy not to discuss controversial topics with people you don't know well, especially if you know or suspect you have differing opinions. In your case, you brought this on yourself, and I suspect you were trying to get a negative reaction out of them so you could bash women. Sorry women have treated you crappily in your life. Perhaps if you started acting like more of a gentleman, and less of an asshole, women would treat you better. If you think raising breast cancer awareness is wrong, well your entitled to that opinion 100%, but why do you feel the need to share your opinion? Did they bring up the topic, or were they happily sitting there watching the game and you jumped out of left field with your opinion? I suspect the latter, and you were totally in the wrong. I dislike Obama and most of his policies, as does my husband. But my MIL is a dyed in the wool democrat and supports Obama 100%. This topic of conversation never comes up when we are around her. Why? Because we all know of our differing opinions, and would rather enjoy each others company by discussing neutral topics rather than start an argument.

William asks…

Since when did breast cancer become a sexual innuendo? and Why?

I personally don't think that most people who wear a I <3 boobies band, or Save the Ta-Tas, really care about breast cancer awareness as much as they like saying something sexual. The real thing that people are thinking about is the innuendo and not awareness. In the last three days I asked five students at my work (four with I <3 boobies rubber bands and one save the ta-tas shirt) if they could tell me one fact about breast cancer. 0/5 so far.
Coming from someone who wasn't aware of breast cancer, the most effective thing was NFL players wearing pink gloves and shoes.
So do we really want to make perverts the spokesman of breast cancer awareness?

admin answers:

There is nothing sexy or glamorous about cancer. My MIL is currently dying from breast cancer. This is her 3rd round with breast cancer and that cancer has moved into her lungs and bowels. It is inoperable. She has 3-6 months to live. If she lives to see next spring it will be a blessing.

I once heard, any attention is good attention. These little sayings do NOT draw positive attention to the cause. People are, generally, only wearing those bracelets and t-shirts to be funny. And honestly, I think, they don't care about breast cancer or give two nickles about research for a cure.

What people say and what people think are two different beasts.
What they say out loud, "I'm wearing a breast cancer awareness shirt to show support! "
What they think but don't say,"...but really I'm only wearing it to be naughty. Boobies! *giggle* "

The pink ribbon was enough and said all that needed to be said. These little slogans...I find...horrid.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Questions About Nfl Standings Tie Breakers

John asks…

Question about 2002 playoff tie breaker, cant seem to figure out why?

I am trying to figure out why the Browns clinched playoff but not the Dolphins. Indianapolis Colts took the 5th spot. So there are 4 teams fighting for the 6th spot. They are Dolphins, Browns, Broncos, and Patriots all with 9-7-0. Although NYJ also has 9-7-9, it is a division champion, so it is not in this competition of the 6th spot. I applied the NFL tie breaker rules for teams from different divisions.
From :

Two Clubs

1. Head-to-head, if applicable.

2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference.

3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games, minimum of four.

4. Strength of victory.

5. Strength of schedule.

6. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed.

7. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed.

8. Best net points in conference games.

9. Best net points in all games.

10. Best net touchdowns in all games.

11. Coin toss.
Three or More Clubs

(Note: If two clubs remain tied after third or other clubs are eliminated, tie breaker reverts to step 1 of applicable two-club format.)

1. Apply division tie breaker to eliminate all but the highest ranked club in each division prior to proceeding to step 2. The original seeding within a division upon application of the division tie breaker remains the same for all subsequent applications of the procedure that are necessary to identify the two Wild-Card participants.

2. Head-to-head sweep. (Applicable only if one club has defeated each of the others or if one club has lost to each of the others.)

3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference.

4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games, minimum of four.

5. Strength of victory.

6. Strength of schedule.

7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed.

8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed.

9. Best net points in conference games.

10. Best net points in all games.

11. Best net touchdowns in all games.

12. Coin toss

The highest ranked division champions have been eliminated so we proceed to step 2. Since not all of the teams have played against each other, we proceed to step 3. Dolphins and Browns both have the best conference record. So we will only look at those two teams again start from step2 again. Dolphins did not play against the Browns, and they have same conference record. So now we use rule 3 for two teams.

Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games, minimum of four.

Miami and Cleveland both played Indianapolis
Miami and Cleveland both played New York Jets.
Miami and Cleveland both played Kansas City
Miami and Cleveland both played Baltimore

MIAMI Lost to NYJ 10:13
MIAMI lost to KANSAS 48:30

So MIAMI has 60%


So Cleveland has 40%

This is the matchup
as we can see, dolphins didnt make the playoff even though it has higher % for common games with cleveland.
heres the 2002 record for all teams
I do not think they have changed the tie-breaker rules.
NFL Tiebreaking Procedures

(March 20, 2002) -- With the NFL realigning into eight four-team divisions to accommodate the arrival of the Houston Texans, the league adopted new tiebreaking rules.

admin answers:

WOW, that's alot to comprehend

Betty asks…

What's the deal with the AL East Standings? Rays declared champs, but lead by 2 with 2 games remain..?

As of this posting, Tampa Bay leads Boston by 2 games..
Tampa Bay 96 - 64
Boston 94 - 66
But the Rays have been declared champs of the AL East and are celebrating. Seems to me, they've mathematically cinched a tie, but not the division championship.

Maybe the league uses some sort of tie breaker like the NFL, but I thought MLB had a 1 game playoff if there was a tie for a division title. Anyone have an explanation?

admin answers:

They had a better season series. They went 10-8 against the Red Sox so if the two ended in a tie, the Rays would immediately win the division title. The only time there would be an exception is if the two teams were tied and fighting to get in the playoffs but both teams have already clinched their chances to getting to the playoffs so there will be no tie breaker game.

Laura asks…

which two teams will make the wild card in the AFC?

i really want Baltimore and i actually think they will make it but here is the standings right now:

I think Baltimore has the tie breaker over the Broncos because they beat them and they both play easy teams next week so they will have the same record most likely
The jets have a hard game against Cincinnati, while Houston plays New England; Steelers play Dolphins

Im guessing its steelers and Baltimore, what do you think?

admin answers:

I agree with you; Steelers & Ravens.

Steven asks…

Why is New England ranked over Miami?

NFL tie breaking rules:

Both teams are 8-5

1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs). They split head to head meetings.

2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division. Both are 3-2.

3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. Miami has 6 wins and 1 loss. New England has 5 wins and two losses. Shouldn't Miami win this tiebreaker?

4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. Miami is 6-4 and New England is 5-5. Shouldn't Miami also win this tie breaker?

Both and Yahoo Sports have New England ranked #2 in the AFC East and Miami ranked # 3.

admin answers:

If the playoffs were to begin today, neither would make the playoffs. That would go to the Colts & Ravens. They appear to have an easy last 3 games, but you can never count a game in the W column until it's over. After week 17 we will know if they are in or if they are vying for a draft pick.

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