Friday, February 17, 2012

Questions About Nfl Clothing For Men

Ken asks…

Is it OK for a man to wear a satin rhinestone NFL jacket?

I'm an English chap who is going to the NFL game in London in October. It'll be a big party day out and my friends and I have been tasked with finding the most over-the-top clothing we can find to wear to the game. I've seen a great shiny rhinestone jacket but i believe only ladies wear such things. I'm more than prepared to look like a bit of a plonker but would it be totally unacceptable for a man to wear one to a game, even if it was with a sense of irony? Thanks for your help.

admin answers:

Where a jersey

Robert asks…

How to fight Dead Beat Dad's that gets away with our flawed system in California?

I have been the primary caretaker of my daughter, she is now 16, and I just wish this to go away soon. I have not received any type of support from my daughter's father, even though I have a court ordered support filed in my county, but still he does not pay me a single cent, because to him he does not have to. The last time we received anything from him was in 2003, and that in itself was not paid because he wanted to but because he had to. He sold a property, and I guess he had to pay his back child support first before getting any proceeds from the sale of the property. And even then he approached me trying to get that money back, citing that "I didn't mean for you to get all of that money, I was going to pay you some and pay installments in the future" what a BULL CRAP. So now I just found out that he has been denied renewal or his driver's license has been suspended. So now, he finds it necessary to battle with me in court again, to either lower the child support order or remove it at all, as he stated that he is self employed and has not made any income.

He has tried this in the past dragging on the case for so long and so much money wasted on court and lawyer fees, requesting for more visitation right and lower his child support obligation, not that he really wants to see or spend any time with my daughter, which is really unfortunate for her, he is just basically doing it so he can show the court that he is spending some time with her and that he should not pay as much support. I have agreed to joint custody and have worked out a visitation schedule until she turns 18. We live about 6 hrs away from each other, and you would think he would spend every minute of that visitation schedule with her, UNFORTUNATELY NO! He would be in town and not even see her, but he would call her and let her know that he was in town for business and that he did not have enought time to swing by and see her, and this has gone on her entire life. Sometimes I would always think that it's my fault for not choosing a better father for her and for letting him do this to her, but I don't want to focus on that. What I do focus on is to fill in that void that she may be feeling for not being able to spend that time with her father, and keeping her busy and motivated in life so that she does not have to think about him. I have always told her, not to expect too much from him so that if and when she gets disappointed by him, it would not hurt as much. I learned the hard way, and I do believe he is not capable of changing.

What I find really ridiculous with the system, is that he can get a way with not paying any support, and still parade around with expensive vehicles, designer clothing and able to go to professional sports games like NBA and NFL, with really GOOD, up in the front seats, and yet the system cannot collect from what he owes us. Then when he takes me to court for the same issues to get his support order lowered. The system allows him to get extensions after extensions from the court, dragging this matter so long that often, I just give in rather than fight him, as I do not have the money, time and energy to further waste in this non sense system and sorry a** of a man. The system has even allowed him to appear via phone, just to later find out that he's requested another extension and have actually been granted one too for some bull crap reason that he comes up. The most famous one is "someone died in my family." It's like everytime we have a court date, a family member drops dead. I have pointed this out with the court, but he's able to get away with it anyway. I just really have had enough of this sorry a** of a man. I could be directing this energy and money to my daughter's well being, but instead I have to join this bandwagon of bull crap from this man and from our system. I have been laid off from work and have been out of work for the past 9 months, unfortunately I have not been able to find any stable employment, this has been the longest I have been unemployed in my entire life. I have been laid off before, but I would always find another job within that same month. I am about to lose my home, and this could not have come on a better time. I just wanted to know if there are any lawyers out there willing to take this case either pro-bono or IOU in the future of course, that would really represent and fight this sorry a** of a man. Even if there isn't one out there willing to take the case, maybe just some assistance/advise on what to do to fight this and finally put an end to this charade. Thank you for reading and commenting :)

admin answers:

Surprised he hasn't been arrested for contempt of court.Don't know what county your in but in Placer and Sacramento,they jail men for what ever they can.Raise holy hell with your county child support services and district attorney office.File for modification and when you go to court,ask why your case isn't being taken care of.Arrears is penalized at 10% per month so this dude must have one huge bill to pay.Remind him that "all" of his social security can be levied for past arrears and all of his tax returns can be intercepted.If he isn't working,court will require him to look for work and report his job search to court or be jailed for contempt.He's responsible for child support whether he see's his child or not.Your local child support office has info for free legal aid.While California is a skirt state and unfairly penalizes men to the point of making them homeless,they are our kids and should pay some thing.hell,I'm paying ongoing for kids in their late 20's and early 30's so I find it unbelievable he can get away with not paying.Lucky I guess.

George asks…

What do you think of patrick tillman's death?

alright he was an NFL star and gave up his multi million dollar contract to enlist in the army, because of 9/11 him and his younger brother kevin. they were in the same platoon in Afghanistan, the Humvee were spilt up. and ended up going around in a circle and him and another guy were out of the humvee trying to get help because theres broke down or something. the other guys in the platoon kept fireing at them because they thought they were enimies which didn't make sense cause they were waving there arms and threw a smoke gerade or w/e one means your american/in danger. the man that shot patrick tillmen was an outcast in the platoon and none of the men cared for him. pat was shot with a SAW rifle hit him three times in the head perfect shots i mean if you can do that you should be able to see the person.. Kevin tillmen, pats brother was worried because he knew an american was killed and he didn't hear his brothers voice or loud laugh so in his gut he had a feeling it was patrick. the three things that really upset me about patricks story was that kevin wanted his brothers journal he kept and they burned it. and they burned his clothes he arrived naked to the medical exaimer and they lied about his death to the world..

Rest in peace patrick tillmen,
you are missed by your friends,family and fans.
you will never be forgotton.

sorry about my spelling.
(i read the book i know my facts)
Just was wondering what everyone thought on how he died if it was purpose or not, doing a project on him in school.

Just was wondering..
my class thinks it was purpose.
but i'm 50/50 on both sides not to sure now that i think about it.
didn't say that in the book that they ruled it murder but i do think i saw that somewhere though..

admin answers:

You failed to mention one more disturbing fact.....the coroner called it murder

I am not so much disturbed that they fabricated a story ..... Sometimes it is better the family not know the ugly details...... AS LONG as they do not cover up the crime.....punish the guilty...... Which in this case my opinion.... Have not tried hard enough to do..... It is true several people lost their careers but that is not enough in my opinion....... Maybe there was not enough proof? To hang the SOB ???

MEEP .... America has no "commandos"...... Tillman signed a contract requesting Ranger duty.... The military had no option but to give him the job he contracted to do
.... And Rangers , just like SAS, do NOT sit at a fire base / recruit.... He would have sued our @ss off and won.....
I firmly believe Tillman was murdered.... I "think' there were political aspects that the military did NOT want exposed in court..... That is why his notebook was burned and they attempted to hide the guess Tillman was writing a book and had some things to say about the military / the war.... The murder was UNRELATED to the "book".... Just some dirtbag slacker "fragging" a leader he did not like for personal reasons.... But a trial would have hurt the military and Tillman's family.....
Not all military deaths need to be "exposed".... I had a trooper stabbed to death by a whore while having sex..... As far as his family knows he died in combat a hero..... He served his country.... Risked and lost his life doing his duty.... If he had blown himself up sitting on the toilet the way my First Sergeant did makes little difference to his family or memory ...Tillman was a hero who gave his life ..... The details are not important

Laura asks…

Should I go?

My Fiance and I have been together for 4 years now. We have a baby together. I want to get married but he says why buy the cow, when you can get milk free.
He has a business but all the shots are called by this man who is like his partner The man has 29 other businesses like his but the one he owns is the one thats doing the worse because the man wont advertise for it To make a long story short the man has done nothing in 2 years My fiance is still wating for the guy to do something We are struggling to pay the bills I work from 8-5. M-F. I told him that if he wishes to wait for the man to get the bus going he should get a job but he wont We don't have health insurance we just dont have any money for anything I need braces and I cant get it But we got netflix NFL ticket and a projection TV cuz he wanted it Also I work all day and I do the clothes Dishes and clean the house and when I get home I take care of the baby He loves me a lot but thats all is keeping us together

admin answers:

Honey, where do you see yourself in ten or even five years from today? Love is a wonderful thing to have but when it comes down to it, It doesn't pay the bills.

He needs to be working with you, not against you. It may seem like he is helping by taking care of the baby in the day time, but you might as well be working two jobs, because the minute you hit the door you have a baby in your arms to take care of with dishes, and clothes to wash. Your working yourself to death.

It doesn't seem like your doing so much when you know it has to be done and you've just gotten so used to doing it.

Look at the big picture! What if the baby needs that health insurance? Heaven forbid!

What if you had a sitter to take care of the baby. It would be nice to go to work, pick up the baby from the sitter, go home to a house you previously cleaned and is still clean because nobody has been sitting around making it dirty again, and then do just for yourself and the baby. A place where you don't have to pay for or watch football. I think you might find that you are not as tired or as stressed and you may even have money left over for extras.

I don't even think you can really call him your Fiance. Maybe you need a break from him. Maybe he will stop being so passive and step it up in his business affairs once he sees that you are serious.

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