Monday, January 16, 2012

Questions About Nfl Careers Cut Short

Nancy asks…

Who are the best players (NBA, NFL, MLB, & NHL) whose career were cut short?

NBA - I tend to agree with Bill Walton, but would have like to have seen Magic Johnson finish his career.
NFL - Barry Sanders quit too early, Jim Brown also.
MLB - Lou Gehrig
NHL - Gotta go with Bobby Orr here, probably could have cemented greatest player ever (sorry Wayne)
MLB/NFL - Bo Jackson qualifies for both.

admin answers:

NBA - Grant Hill and Penny Hardaway
NFL- would add Gayle Sayers to your list
MLB - Roberto Clemente

Daniel asks…

A few idea's to commemorate the life of Sean Taylor?

Sean Taylor's life and unexpectivly short NFL career was cut short that dark November 27th night. The Washington Redskins gave their respects to his legacy by adding his name and jersey number to to FedEx Field Ring of Honor. Earlier today I envisioned an even greater way to honor him. Tell me what you think...

(Washington Redskins Tribute)
1) Sean Michael M. Taylor Memorial Stadium at FexEx Field
2)Sean Michael M. Taylor-Redskins Park

(University of Miami)
1) Sean Taylor Blvd. (Currenly Ponce De Leon Blvd.)
2) Sean Michael M. Taylor Memorial Practice Field

admin answers:

He's a football player...not God...Their tribute happenned last week on the first play...10 men on the field...

Steven asks…

BESIDES TOM BRADY who is the biggest draft day steal in the nfl?

I'd say Matt Hasselbeck of the Seattle Seahawks and Zach Thomas of the Miami Dolphins... Priest Holmes was also very good, shame his career got cut short.

what do you think? NO BRADY THAT IS THE OBVIOUS ANSWER ; )

admin answers:

Okay here we go, the top 8 NFL draft steals: (one thing they are all HOFers)

1. Roosevelt Brown -OT-27th round- pick #321
2. Raymond Berry-WR-20th round-pick #321
3. Andy Robustelli-DE-19th round-pick#228
4. Bart Starr-17th round-pick#200
5. Willie Davis-15th round-pick#181
6. David "Deacon" Jones-14th round-pick#186
7. Roger Staubach-10th round-pick#129 (Drafted as a future)
8. Ken Houston-9th round-pick#214 (lowest drafted HOF in the common draft) (since 1967)

These HOFers were not drafted:
Frank Gatski,Lou Groza, Marion Motley, Bill Willis and Joe Perry (all signed by Cleveland in 1946 during the birth of the AAFC)

Emlen Tunnell, Dick "Night Train" Lane, Willie Wood, Willie Brown, Larry Little, Jim Langer and Warren Moon. (Moon was not drafted coming out of Washington and signed w/Edmonton, was a free agent when he signed with Houston)

Ruth asks…

Since when does mere athletic ability make one a "role model" or a "hero"?

In his NFL career, Michael Vick has had two run-ins with drugs... once while trying to sneak marijuana on a plane and another when a van in Vick's name was discovered to be holding pounds of it. He has made obscene gestures to fans at games, been arrested and convicted of animal cruelty after he decided his millions weren't enough and moonlighting as a dogfight promoter was a good idea. He has had several complaints of sexual assault made against him as well, including one woman who claimed to have contracted genital herpes from him. Everyone says, "Leave him alone, he served his time!" Actually, he got a slap on the wrist. If Michael Vick had never once stepped on a football field, what do you think his sentence would have been?

Ben Roethlisberger is about the biggest pig to ever hit the grid iron. He has been accused multiple times of rape and sexual misconduct and was even suspended for four games in 2010 for his behavior. The reply of "he was never convicted" only proves that his millions can pay for a better legal team than the meager salary of a restaurant employee. When one person claims you raped them, it might be a false accuation. When two people do it, it might be that you're a rapist. When three people do it, hide your daughters, America.

When will Americans realize that they're over-blown obsession with athletics is destroying what moral fiber we have left. I've watched every Super Bowl since 1982 and I can't remember teams consisting of players who looked like thugs, swore like sailors, had rap sheets longer than their tattoo-sleeved arms and acted like spoiled brats. Half of the players interviewed spoke in such broken, poor english that they needed subtitles in order for an educated person to understand them. And yet, these people all had full-ride scholarships to a fine university why? Because they studied so hard? Because they made good grades? Because their SATs were through the roof? No... because they could either throw, catch, tackle or run. Someone who worked hard their entire academic career got that career cut short so some half-wit could have their college career paid for on account of their athletic ability.

I love sports, and I admire some atheletes. Muhammad Ali did countless acts for African Americans and charities back in the day. Walter Payton was a gentleman and an amazing man. Josh Hamilton is an inspiration to anyone struggling with addiction issues.

Roethlisberger and Vick are this side of being animals. They are an embarrassment to themselves and their teams, and they should not be paid millions so they can continue to show our children that behavior and decorum doesn't matter so long as you can throw a ball. It's sick, it's indicative of poor priorities, and typical of a nation obsessed with that which does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

admin answers:

Ron Mexico, I mean Vick, is forgotten when it comes to the accusation of sexual misconduct

Ben was NEVER CHARGED(forget convicted, he never even faced criminal charges).

Want to talk about Ali? OK he went to jail because he wouldn't serve, and while I say good for him that he stood for his convictions if you want to talk about others that were NEVER CHARGED I'll talk about real charges and convictions.

Look how people complain about Charles Barkley's commercial where he said "I am not a role model". People want to say oh you can play a sport you are one. What ANY athlete does on field is not a role model, except for another athlete playing that position.

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